Hair Fall ? Not A Problem With Dr Dev’s Skin Clinic

Hair loss among youngsters is very common health problem and if not taken care of then it might become severe with an unattractive look. Hair loss has numerous of causes behind it, inherited hair loss, disease, stress, medicines, injury, improper hair care, or aging. A dermatologist in Lucknow, Dr Dev being very much concerned about this accelerating hair fall problem among people currently would like to explain this hair fall problem.

According to the best skin doctor in Lucknow hair fall has different scenarios in both men and women.  Men generally loose hairline and top of the head hairs, remaining the back hairs and hair around the ears. Whereas, in women thinning of hairs start on all over the scalp, but mainly on the top.

Treatment of the hair loss depends upon its cause firstly any dermatologist tries to examine the cause of hair loss. The treatment procedures are further preceded by treating the cause of hair fall. For instance, if the person is dealing with any health issue and due to which hairs are falling off, then that the health issue is first treated along with hair strengthening medication. This treatment procedure is just an example, stated by hair fall treatment in Lucknow. There are further more ways of hair treatment which depends on problem severity. In case if hair fall is severe, surgical approach of hair transplant is adopted.  One of the most prominent ways of hair transplant is strip harvesting. Under this procedure skin strip with good hair growth are planted on bladed area.

Thus with these advanced technological developments in the field of hair treatments, any kind of hair problem could be cured but the only condition applies that you need an experienced and knowledgeable dermatologist.


  1. The process of hair transplant includes the extraction of hair follicles from donor area then implantation over the bald patches. If you want to watch the live process performed at our centre then you can go through this video.

  2. Great posting! Thanks for sharing.
    Skin Hair and You is committed to promoting skin care and aesthetic practises in a scientific and ethical manner. It is situated in East Delhi. It has a long history of being there. We are helping the community by treating various skin ailments in an ethical manner. Dermatology has grown from its infancy to its current status at the clinic. This clinic has adapted to the changes that occur in the field of Dermatology on a regular basis and is proud to be one of the best skin care clinics in East Delhi.
    Click here Best Dermatologist in East Delhi
    for book an appointment.


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